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New England's largest and most diverse science fiction and fantasy convention

Artist & Author Alley

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Calling all Creators!

Arisia invites you to become a part of Arisia's Artist & Author Alley. The Alley is designed for creators to showcase and sell their personal works, and allow our members to meet the people who created them. This can be art, books (self-published or start-up presses with only a few books), games, or almost anything else. You can do signings, sales, (non-messy) demos, or just chat to people from your Alley table.

Each 6’ x 30” Alley table is sold in 5-hour slots, in an area between our Art Show and Dealers Room. Note that you will need a membership badge to enter the room; memberships and hotel rooms are available online. Each Alley slot is $20, and you may buy up to four slots. (If you desire more time, you should investigate being in our Dealers Room or Row.)

The slots are:

a) Friday 3pm – 8pm
b) Saturday 10am – 3pm
c) Saturday 3pm – 8pm
d) Sunday 10am – 3pm
e) Sunday 3pm – 8pm
f) Monday 10am – 3pm

To reserve your space, please fill out the signup form.

You can pay online with Paypal or a credit card, or pay by mail before 1/1/11.

If you have any questions, contact

Thank you for your interest in Arisia's Author & Artist Alley!

Information about last year's Alley (aka Prose Nest):