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New England's largest and most diverse science fiction and fantasy convention

traingeek's blog

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Signup for the Masquerade!

The Masquerade is a costume contest and display of creativity by your fellow convention members. Entrants may dress in anything interesting and fun so long as they can motor themselves across the stage and back. You'll find a variety of BEMs (Bug Eyed Monsters!), Transformers, faeries, royals, dragons, cosplayers (anime-inspired costumes), movie and TV characters, and just plain silly people in costume. This is a judged event and is a highlight of Arisia. If you're not competing, come see the fabulous display of creativity by your fellow fen. All entries are judged in three separate categories (Novice, Journeyman, and Craftsman/ Master) to give everyone a fair chance.

Online Masquerade signup is now open!

Full rules and details here (including our Young Fans at the Masquerade AKA Kamikaze Kids segment)

Fast Track Lego Tournament

Fast Track, our con within a con for children ages 6-12, is hosting a Lego Tournament this year. Bring your creativity!

The theme is the same as that for this year's Arisia: Mad Science.

There will be two different age brackets for the tournament: ages 6-8 and ages 9-12.

To participate, your child just needs to signup at con in Fast Track. Slots will be available on a first come first serve basis.

Access Services

Here is our updated accessibility accommodations information including the panels we will have ASL or CART services for. If you have ideas about how we might improve Access Services in 2011, or would like to volunteer to help, we would love to hear from you. Please email

Writing Contest

Josh Simpson, our Artist GOH has generously donated prizes for a writing contest. There will be one of Josh’s larger spheres, an inhabited world full of fascinating things at the art show. What lives in that planet? What are the stories you can tell about the inhabitants?

Writing Workshops at Arisia

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This year, we’re delighted to offer two writing workshops, open to all (no writing submission required to attend) but with limited signup. Sign-up before the convention is highly recommended.

Registration Reminders and Announcements

Happy Holidays Arisians!

As the convention approaches, just 16 days away now, please consider pre-registering for the convention. Your check-in process goes a lot faster if all you have to do is check in and pick up your badge, versus filling out the registration form, paying, and getting everything processed. If you pre-register on or before December 31st, the rate is only $50 for a Full, Fast Track, or "Turtle Track" (Babysitting) membership, vs the $60 at-the-door rate. We will have day memberships available at the door.

Blood and Eyeglasses Donation Drives

Every good Mad Scientist (TM) has some extra blood and glasses in their lab, right? Well, why not help out by donating? Every bit helps out another Mad Scientist in need.

Updated Program Participant Schedule

In the past few weeks, the Programming team has been busy updating program participant schedules. The changes we have made were based mainly upon participant feedback and availability, but include other factors as well. If you are an Arisia 2011 program participant, please check your schedule by logging into the Programming web page with your existing Badge ID and password at:

Satoshi Kon Legacy Panel

These professors will be on a Satoshi Kon Legacy panel run somewhat like "The View" Sunday at 12:30pm in Stone Room.

Tomoko Shimizu is a professor of English literature and cultural studies and media and globalization at the University of Tsukuba located in Ibaraki, Japan. Currently she is a visiting scholar at Harvard University's Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, researching the Japan Media Network and the Anime Culture.

Art Show Entries

Every year, Arisia features a fun and interesting Art Show and this year promises to be no different. There will be costume exhibits, Josh Simpson's work and Student Art Contest entries. But time is running out if *you* want to be part of the Art Show as the sign up ends Dec 15th! Go to and fill in the form to reserve space.

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