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New England's largest and most diverse science fiction and fantasy convention

Staff Den/Green Room Volunteers

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Hi Arisians.

As the con gets closer, Staff den and Green Room would like to offer some of you an opportunity to get in volunteer hours *before the con starts*. We need people who have experience in food service, ans understand food safety to help us prepare meals for guests and staff. If you've worked in a kitchen, as a caterer, or have a food safety certification, we'd like your help cooking.

Work done before the convention can count towards this years membership if you don't have one, instead of next years membership, and no matter how much time you put in, that's more time at con you can spend doing whatever you want. If you're broke, and want to go to the con but can't afford to, give us 12 hours pre-con, and you get in for free. Keep in mind that this is only for people who have the necessary experience.

We also need food-safe and experienced types to help out at the con itself. This job gives you not only a warm, happy glow that comes form feeding people, but also a meal. Our staff eats well, and free.

If you're interested, please email at and we can work out when you'll be able to help.

Thanks, and see you all at the con!