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Fast Track Lego Tournament Prize Donations

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Hi everybody,

We are really excited about the Fast Track programming this year, which is going to have a ton of really awesome sessions. One of the items that we are most looking forward to is a Lego Tournament, where the kids will be encouraged to build something with Legos on the theme of Mad Science. Given all of the hard work the kids will be putting into this, we would really love to be able to award prizes after the judging at least to the top winners, and here is where we could use your help.

If you were willing to donate any Lego Kits (for ages 6-12), we would be incredibly grateful. I know the holidays are getting perilously close, and that finances are in many cases tight. It would just be a nice extra if we could provide a few of these kits.

(Also if you or anyone you know has a great love of legos and would like to help monitor this event please let Fast Track know at

Thank you very much for your time,