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New England's largest and most diverse science fiction and fantasy convention

admin's blog

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Welcome to Arisia 2011!

Guests of Honor (read more about them):

Jan 14-17, 2011

Hotel Information:

Notes from the Conchair:

Hi there! Many thanks to everyone who helped make Arisia 2011 the
awesome convention it was! If you left anything behind when you left,
please email a description to see if it landed in
Arisia's Lost & Found bin. Sorry, before you ask, we haven't had any
sanity points turned in lately. ;)

If you have feedback you want us to hear about Arisia, please email or fill out the handy online form.

And if you'd like to join the team to make next year's Arisia awesome,
please email us at! We are happy to have
additional hands to make the work light, as the convention continues
to grow.

Thanks so much!


Arisia 2011 Conchair

Blood drive numbers

From John Hodges who ran the blood drive:

For anyone interested in the final numbers; the total units/pints collected for the weekend was 121 124 (Ed: I'm not sure who got the extra 3 units). Of that, 81 units went to Massachusetts General Hospital on Saturday, 40 units went to Children's Hospital Boston on Sunday. Congratulations to everyone who donated and everyone who helped out with running the blood drive! You all did great work!

Arisia 2011 Masquerade Awards

Young Fan

Arthur D2, Arthur and Julia Kautz – Honored for Construction
Duct Tape Princess, Delenn Brumberger – Honored for Design
Firefly Fairy, Rowan Sloan – Honored for Lighting Effects
Dragon Maiden, Tabitha Bohrnbach – Honored for Sewing Construction
Don’t Wake the Mad Scientist, Isabel Kadel-Garcia – Honored for Best Use of Scissors
Young Codex, Amber Hammond – Honored for Creative use of Lampshade

Arthur D2, Arthur and Julia Kautz – Best Fan Made
Duct Tape Princess, Delenn Brumberger – Most Original
Firefly Fairy, Rowan Sloan – Most Illuminating

Student Art Show winners

We're happy to announce the following student art show contest winners:

1st place: Jordan Walker, "Children" ($250)
(tie) 2nd place: Catalina Ouyang, "Our Modern Romance" ($150)
(tie) 2nd place: Rachel Chasteen, "Kevin" ($150)
3rd place: Alex Winkler, "001_Thunder" ($100)
Honorable Mention: Amanda Heffernan, "Armadillo" ($50)
Honorable Mention: Maxx Newman, "Self Portrait" ($50)
Honorable Mention: Linda Wong, "Cavities" ($50)

First peek at the schedule for Arisia 2011

We're excited to announce this year's PRELIMINARY schedule of events. While this is not set in stone yet, it will give you a good idea of when things are happening!

LARPs at Arisia

Once again, Arisia welcomes LARPers of all styles and experience levels to come play at any of the fabulous games running at the con this year. Read about the LARPs we're offering this year.

We have live performances for you!

We've got a mixture of new and returning events for you this year. To see a preview, please check out our Live Performances information!

Breakfast w/GOHs tickets on sale

Come join us for a Breakfast Buffet with your favorite Guest of Honor or special guest!

The Breakfast Buffet will be Sunday morning (January 16, 2011) at 11AM.

More information.

Hotel Rooms

Currently we're sold out of Doubles (we hope to free up some soon for the Waiting list) and we're running low on Kings.

If you would like to reserve a King or get on the Waiting list for a Double, please see

(If you have a Double and would be willing to switch to a King, please let us know)

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