Arisia congratulates the winners of the 2008 and 2009 Carl Brandon Awards. See for full information about the awards.
>For 2008, the Parallax award goes to Distances by Vandana Singh and the Kindred award goes to "Ghost Summer" by Tananarive Due.
For 2009, the Parallax award goes to Half World by Hiromi Goto and the Kindred award goes to Kindred by Justine Larbalestier.
We will be pleased to be presenting these awards at Arisia to the winners or their representatives, and we invite everyone to join our gala celebration on Sunday January 16th at 3:30 in Commonwealth C.
Some of the Arisia 2011 GOH & Main Events - PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE
Generated: Fri Dec 31 01:41:31 EST 2010
- Contra Dance 6:00pm (Harbor Ballroom II-III (3E))
- Mad Scientists in Anime 6:30pm (Hancock (2))
- Shaenon Garrity and others
- Faebotica, A Musical Event 7:00pm (Grand Ballroom AB (1W))
- Flirting with the Mainstream: Paranormal Romance 8:00pm (Carlton (3E))
- Kelley Armstrong and others
- Presenting Josh Simpson 9:00pm (Grand Ballroom DE (1W))
- Great Science Fiction and Fantasy Manga 9:30am (Hancock (2))
- Shaenon Garrity, René Walling, and others
- Hallucinating Shakespeare 10:00am (Commonwealth Ballroom C (1W))
- Introducing Kelley Armstrong 11:00am (Burroughs (3E))
- Carl Brandon Awards Panel 11:00am (Griffin (3E))
- Anime/Manga Parent's Discussion 11:00am (Lewis (3E))
- René Walling and others
- Art GOH Documentary Video with Q&A 11:00am (Webster (2))
- Social Dance 101 12:00 noon (Harbor Ballroom II-III (3E))
- Breakfast with Special Guests 11:00am (Grand Ballroom DE (1W))
- The Subs (Rebecca Angel) 12:00 noon (Commonwealth Ballroom C (1W))
- Satoshi Kon, His Legacy 12:30pm (Stone (2))
- The History of Comics 2:00pm (Douglas (3W))
- Shaenon Garrity and others
- The Care and Feeding of the Young Fan 11:00am (Griffin (3E))
- René Walling and others
- Instrumental Jam with Dancing 11:00am (Harbor Ballroom II-III (3E))
The full PRELIMINARY list is posted.
You can see what events and panels we had for Arisia '10.